Our expansive branch network enables us to serve customers across Sri Lanka. Our services are provided at no cost to our clients and include:
Obtaining the best possible terms and rates for our clients, and providing a highly competent after-sales service thereafter, including assistance in claims
Assisting in Risk Evaluation and Minimisation – Once we have examined your existing insurance arrangements in relation to the risks which your organisation is likely to be exposed to, we will make a submission for your consideration.
Overseeing Market Connections – We have a distinct advantage, particularly in specialised and large risks as we work in collaboration with reputable international reinsurers and brokers. In cases of specialised risks and those where the local tariff does not apply, we are able to obtain the best quotations worldwide and place the business with a local insurance company of the client’s choice. We are also able to obtain covers that are not marketed locally and place them through a local Insurer
Placement of Risks – The service we render comes to the customer at no cost. With our expertise we invariably reduce the customer’s insurance costs by reviewing present insurance arrangements and obtaining better terms. We are in constant touch with the market and are able to offer advice on market developments as well as services provided by insurers.
Recovering Claims – We have the experience to attend to all formalities involved in recovering claims. Our position in the market combined with our expertise and the rapport we maintain with all Insurance Companies, enables us to negotiate fair and reasonable claim settlements.
Making a Claim
If you require assistance on any aspect of your claim please contact us on the number mentioned below:
In the event of accident, the Insured/Driver of the vehicle must do the following to make an insurance claim:
Intimation of Accident to Insurer: Your insurer’s “Hotline / Call Centre” number is displayed in the insurance certificate and you should report the accident by calling the said number immediately from the accident location and follow their instructions.
Intimation of Accident to the Police: The driver of the vehicle must report the accident to the nearest police station immediately as per the Motor Traffic Act.
Intimation of Claim: If you are unable to contact the Insurer’s Hotline, you must intimate the accident/loss to your insurer as soon as possible and provide the insurer with an extract of the police entry.

Submission of Claim: You must provide the claim documents such as the claim form, copy of driving license and estimate for repairs to your insurer within the timeframe given by your insurer.
Claim Approval: Before commencing the repairs, you must have an approval to do so, from the insurer.
Final Bills, Salvages & ARI: After the completion of repairs, you must provide the final bills, salvage parts and vehicle for After Repair Inspection (ARI) to the insurer if requested to do so.
Third Party Claims: Do not make any payment pertaining to the third party damages (except in the case of immovable government property such as lamp posts, telephone posts etc.) without the instructions of the insurer. The insurer will not reimburse payments made in this manner.