Policy On Corporate Disclosures


Policy on Corporate Disclosures

I. Purpose

The Board of Directors of Central Finance Company PLC (the “Company”) is committed to providing timely and complete disclosures of material information, on matters pertaining to the Company’s performance and operations whilst adhering to the Listing Rules of the Colombo Stock Exchange and Directions of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.
The purpose of this policy is to;

  • set out the basic principles for the disclosure of material corporate information to all stakeholders in a timely and accurate manner and to raise awareness of such requirements;
  • to provide direction in the dissemination of corporate information to and liaising with all stakeholders;
  • outline the processes to be followed by the Company to ensure the compliance with Section 8 of the Listing Rules on corporate disclosures of price sensitive information and other regulatory requirements.

II. Scope

The Listing Rules defines ‘price sensitive information’ as information which:-

(i) relates to specific matters relating to, or of concern (directly or indirectly) to the Company and;
(ii) is not generally known to those persons who are accustomed or would be likely to deal in those listed Securities but which would if it were generally known to them be likely to affect materially the price of the listed Security.

Accordingly, the information is material if there is a substantial likelihood that a reasonable stakeholder would consider it important in making decisions in relation to the Company.
As an entity regulated by the CBSL, the Company is required to seek prior approval on matters related to dividend distributions, Board appointments and structural changes before such information is disseminated to the public/CSE.

III. Internal Framework for Corporate Disclosure

The Board of Directors is responsible for the implementation of the Corporate Disclosure Policy and to ensure corporate disclosures conform to the Listing Rules subject to CBSL regulatory requirements.
Corporate Management is responsible to determine whether an event constitutes material price sensitive information and if so, ensuring the procedures outlined in this Corporate Disclosure Policy are fully adhered to.
The Company Secretary is responsible for drafting CSE announcements in coordination with the Managing Director.
The Board of Directors is responsible for approving announcements /disclosures made under this Policy and shall ensure that such are made within stipulated statutory timeframes.
The Company shall create internal procedures and practices on corporate disclosures in accordance with this Policy.

IV. Authorized spokespersons in respect of Corporate Disclosures

The Chairman, the Managing Director and the Company Secretary are designated as the Authorized Spokespersons for CF and have the prior approval of the Board to make public statements to the market on behalf of, or attributable to CF.

V. Review of the Policy

This policy will be reviewed to ensure compliance with the continuing Listing Rules of the CSE and CBSL regulatory requirements.